
Arthur Russell Biography to Be Released in 2024

Anthology Editions has announced Travels Over Feeling: Arthur Russell, A Life, an upcoming biography on late American musician and composer Arthur Russell. Written by Richard King, the book is out April 16th, 2024.

The book will feature largely unseen materials from the New York Public Library archives and the collections of those close to Russell — including handwritten letters, scores, lyrics, photos, and drawings. Exclusive interviews with Russell’s close collaborators, contemporaries, family, and friends are also interspersed throughout the work, while King will provide a new biographical text on the musician, who died in 1992.

In a press release, King spoke about the personal significance of the project: “Uncovering the riches of Arthur’s archives was as immersive and intimate an experience as listening to his music,” he said. “I have endeavored to produce a book that provides the reader with a similar sense of discovery and wonder.”

Travels Over Feeling: Arthur Russell, A Life is now available for pre-order on Amazon.

The Barbican in London will host a celebration of the release on May 25th, featuring a performance from Lucinda Chua with Speakers Corner Quartet, as well as special guests. Tickets will be available on the Barbican site beginning November 25th.

Earlier this year, Audika Records shared Picture of Bunny Rabbit, a posthumous compilation of nine unreleased tracks Russell recorded in the mid-1980s shortly before his AIDS diagnosis.

Travels Over Feeling: Arthur Russell, A Life

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