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Happy Thanksgiving | News, Sports, Jobs

Thursday is Thanksgiving Day.

It’s many things to many people. It’s a day that has come to stand for food, family and football. And while those traditions are important, we hope that everyone will take just a few minutes to remember all of the good things in our lives, and make this Thanksgiving one of true thanks.

On the local level, we can be thankful for the communities we live in, where neighbors still know each other and are willing to pitch in when the hard times hit. We must also be thankful for our family and friends, those people who stand beside us in good times and bad.

Be thankful if you are employed, and take a moment to remember those who are without jobs this year.

If you have a warm place to stay and a meal to eat, be thankful for that, and take a moment to remember those who are cold at night and know the pain of hunger.

Our area has gone through some rough economic times, but there remains reason for optimism. From big plans at the JSW Steel USA facility in Mingo Junction to the work being done to bring Form Energy and a state-of-the-art battery manufacturing plant to Weirton, to the possibility that the Tri-State Area will be home to a hydrogen hub, to increased retail activity, there are signs that the region could be headed in the right direction.

Our country seems to be divided in so many ways these days, along political, religious and social lines.

We must continue to be thankful because, despite all of the rhetoric, we are still a nation that chooses its leadership on a set timetable at the ballot box.

Be thankful for our freedoms as Americans, but never take them for granted. Remember that our ability to worship as we choose, disagree with our government and elected officials and decide how we will live our lives is something that many of those who live in the rest of the world can only dream of.

Above all, have a happy Thanksgiving.

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